Black Door | About

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See and Be Seen.


Black Door is…a growing solution to the question, “Where are all the Black and Brown creatives?”

Black Door is the response to the underrepresentation found within all creative industries. Black Door is a resource for those who truly understand the value of unique perspectives and talent.

We know that there are already online platforms with similar goals (We LOVE to see it.) We figured, what’s one more?

Now, creative recruiters, corporate decision-makers, and minority-owned businesses have one more place to seek those willing to prove that they deserve to be seen, heard, and handsomely paid.

About Blvck Door

Since 2019, Blvck Door has served as an online platform that bridges the gap between creatives of color and employers who see the benefits of an equitable, diversified workforce.

Members who create a profile will have access to a considerable network of recruiters, job postings, and helpful resources.

Employers and recruiters will be able to browse our talent directory of black and brown creatives to find the right candidates. 

Hiring diverse staff and creating an inclusive environment is one of the most impactful things companies can do to stay competitive and be creative industry leaders.

If you have questions about any of the items listed below, fill out the form and we’ll do our best to get back to you:

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