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See and Be Seen.


Dear Black Creative: A Reminder

Written by Rocxzie Writes

Written by Rocxzie Writes

Dear Black Creative,  

You are so needed. You can paint a picture for black people that makes us feel wanted, heard, seen, and appreciated. 

Your expression is calming, even on the days when it’s angry or sad. Why? Because it tells a story that many of us don’t know how to tell.

Your best feature is a riveting pronouncement of why black people must always continue to move forward. 

Your attitude is encouraging. You provide support to black people who want to stand up and fight.

Please don’t stop. Your delivery is propitious. You give black people a platform to position themselves and rise. 

Black photographer, black author, black poet, black fashion designer, black trainer, black MUA, black artist, black model, black singer, black lyricist, black creative, you are so needed.

You can paint a picture for black people that makes us feel wanted, heard, seen, and appreciated.

Keep going, for those of us that need it. 

-Rochelle “Rocxzie Writes” Thomas