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Screw Them! 3 Ways of Letting Go During Self-Quarantine

by Mikeya Jones

by Mikeya Jones

The Coronavirus has forced the entire world to stay in and triggered our emotions to come out.

 What the heck. Some of us have not been hugged since before lockdown. Assuming you may have a lot on your mind these days. It is imperative that we take care of our mental health. Being in isolation for an extended period of time can trigger unpleasant memories and pain to resurface.

Here are 3 ways you can practice letting go during this self-quarantine. 

  1. Write a letter. Then, burn that bitch!

 Did you lose your job, but sign a contract which binds you from speaking negatively about the company? 

Screw them! 

Write a  letter and get it all out! (Crying while writing is also acceptable.) , No one is around anyway, so you might as well. Write it ALL down and be brutally honest.

Now, burn this letter. 

Not because of any outstanding contract, but because this is a chapter in your life that had to end. If your employer did not value the fact that the world is going through a crisis and jobs are scarce, then to hell with them! 

This also applies to psycho ex-partners, relatives, and former friends. 

In any case, BURN THIS LETTER.  

As you burn this letter, imagine everything you finally got off your chest disintegrating. Look at the ashes and let it go.  You transformed your emotional feelings into something physical. You are powerful and your emotions do not control you. 

Congratulations, you just took your power back!

2. Imagine the person who hurt you is sitting in front of you. 

 Empty Chair gazing works like this.  Step  1: Don’t throw the chair... unless it helps. If you’re alone, imagine an empty chair is a social media troll, the professor who failed you,  or the Fed-Ex delivery man,  and let them have it!  Tell them off!  

They deserve it. This is the next best thing to screaming into a pillow, except it gives you the power to be more specific. 

Step 2: To enhance this exercise, open a window when you’re done to release all that energy out of your space.  

(Doing this has stopped me from going to jail...and I do not care if you think I’m crazy. Just don’t tell anybody) 

3. Shrink the situation away. 

Repetitive traumatic thoughts can put a toll on anyone. Especially during this quarantine when there is not much to do except to think. Waking up and thinking about what spiritually disturbing thing someone did or said is tough.  If it is impossible for you to have a conversation with that person, allow yourself to think about the situation rather than forcing it out of your mind. If you try to force it, you increase the likelihood of it surfacing your mind again. Instead, practice making it smaller. Imagine yourself watching the situation in a box. Every time it haunts your mind, picture the box getting smaller and smaller. Once you learn how to trick your mind that it’s not a big deal, it won’t upset you as much. , the box will get so small in your mind that you won’t even think of it anymore! 

These are just a few ways you can let go while under self-quarantine. This will all be over before we know it. Use your time wisely.


Author Bio

Mikeya is a creative artist, actress, and poet. She loves using art to help inspire and uplift others. Get in to it!!

Follow her IG Iam_mikeyajones