But for this day, for these twenty-four hours that we plan for, relax through and watch leave, are like you Dr. King - a dream deferred.
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Every time I said no, took a pass, or thought I would not measure up for an opportunity that would have added wealth to my life, there was almost always a person that took it with success flying after them. Their qualifications did not matter a lick. The most important thing was that they went for it when I didn’t.
Read MoreIt’s no secret that social media has become an integral part of daily life. We check our feeds for updates on loved ones, the latest pop culture scandal, and heavy-hitting news. Even our politicians have realized how important this particular medium can be in reaching their target audiences.
Read MoreGrowing up, there was this rule: “what happens in this house stays in this house.” which meant that when things get bad, you don’t share what’s wrong with others; you keep it to yourself. Right?
Read MoreAs I write this, there are other tasks demanding my attention within the limited space of my planner. That second French Exam which will be taken at the early hours of the next day. Those many assignments for Modern Dance which should have been done weeks ago. And there, right there smack dab in my face, are the many hours I will dread researching ways I can financially support myself in college without the need for a sugar daddy.
Read MorePursuing freelance photography is cool and everything, but do you know what to do when you land that first paid client? If you don’t, you should probably start with these important, yet easy tips!
Read MoreSociety has a sinister way of controlling us. Unfortunately, because of this, our creative reasoning is often manipulated and changed, which shifts our mental state—for the worst.
Read MoreAva DuVernay’s” When They See Us” Netflix premiere took the world by storm. For some, old feelings resurrected.
Read MoreIf you're passionate about your craft and want to go far in this self-publishing game, you must do it right.
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