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See and Be Seen.

Jasmine Gonzalez

UX/UI Media Designer

Jasmine Gonzalez



Contact: jasminethecreative@gmail.comCheck out her portfolio & Instagram for more of her work!


Check out her portfolio & Instagram for more of her work!

5 favorite musical artists of all time? 

  • Miguel

  • Jay-Z

  • Nipsey Hussle

  • Solange

  • John Coltrane

  • Jeffrey Osbourne

What inspires you? 

Authenticity and realness. I am also very much into all things urban, I love city life and edginess.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Girl, stay focused. Don't rush love, these men aren't going anywhere. Focus on your goals and don't let opinions of other people deter or make you fearful of any moves you make. Don't rush growing up either, it's nothing but bills and responsibilities! Love your entire self even with the flaws, it'll take you a long way mentally.

What industry blogs/websites/podcasts do you enjoy?

Side Hustle Pro - (a podcast that highlights women who have learned to make their "side hustles" their main stream of income.)

What do you think the future holds for people of color in creative industries?

I think we are on the way up. In my opinion, people of color are now taking the necessary steps towards demanding a presence in creative industries. I mean, we are one of the most trendy ethnicities in the world. So allowing our creativity to show up in each of these fields within the industry will allow any sector or company to grow. Throughout time, I can see POC as the gatekeepers of these industries.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t get so consumed with reaching the finish line!
— J. Gonzalez

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be to have a creative firm in a bustling city! A design consulting agency where clients can come to discuss their needs about all things creative (writing, visual, audio, etc.).

What skill(s) would you develop if you had more time? 

UX/UI, Coding.


What is the last thing you learned? 

The importance of self-care/love and how it is so beneficial to leading a positive lifestyle.

What are you working on right now?

Redesigning websites for brands that lack creative visual identity and helping startups establish their unique brand presence.

If you could talk to your favorite creative for an hour, who would it be? Why?

Mia Ray - she's such a boss in my eyes. I love how she remained her whole self and built a lucrative business while also being a single mother. She was able to create a tribe that loves her for who she is and now those same people are loyal to her brand. I would want to pick her brain about her how-to's and see how she stayed inspired all these years!


What advice would you give to creatives of color looking to pursue their passion full-time?

It's a marathon, not a sprint. Don't get so consumed with reaching the finish line! Lay a brick every single day and one day you'll realize you have a brick wall.

How do you keep your creative drip going? 

Honestly I think creativity is just innate, but music helps a TON. I vibe out to instrumentals and lo-fi type music to get my creative juices flowing. Oh and vanilla coffee get me going too, I love it.


Check out her portfolio & Instagram for more of her work!