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Maya by Name

Recording Artist & Songwriter

Maya by Name

recording artist & songwriter

Buffalo, NY

Current Location: Buffalo, NY

Want to collaborate with Maya by Name ? Slide into her mailbox at

Dig the clips featured in her profile? Get a behind the scenes look at her journey through her Instagram and website. It’s filled with some candid moments and a few sprinkles of her work!

Authenticity breeds greatness.
— Maya Satterwhite

5 favorite musical artists of all time?

  1. Michael Jackson

  2. Earth, Wind & Fire

  3. Beyoncé

  4. Kendrick Lamar

  5. Christina Aguilera

How do you keep your creative drip going? 

Honestly, I think what keeps me creative is allowing myself to express everything and anything I’m feeling, 100% of the time. That’s how I write my best songs, and perform with the most energy. Being outdoors and being around other creatives helps to ignite that fire for me as well. The desire to outdo myself keeps me on my toes, too!

If you could talk to your favorite creative for an hour, who would it be and why? 

I would want to sit down with Beyonce, and pick her brain about her creative process, and how she stays inspired. Her career has maintained a longevity not often seen in music today, and she is incredibly influential to me as an artist. 

What is the last thing you learned?

Not everything is within my control.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

I would tell the younger me to trust the timing of her life, and that everything happens (or doesn’t) happen for a reason.

What advice would you give to creatives of color looking to pursue their passion full-time?

My best piece of advice would be to go after your passion at full force, blinders on. Don’t chase the money, chase the feeling you get when you do what you love! Authenticity breeds greatness.


What are you working on right now?

I am currently in rehearsals of my new visual, for the third single off of my album, ‘She’.

My best piece of advice would be to go after your passion at full force, blinders on.
— Maya Satterwhite

What inspires you?

Overall, I would say I am inspired most by the human experience. In my songwriting specifically, my goal is always to make music that is true to myself, but relatable to others. A majority of us have all had similar experiences, in one way or another, in our lives. Relationships and love are always the easiest inspirations for songs, but recently, I’ve decided to start writing about my own struggles with mental health and self-confidence. I feel that the best music is honest, and if I can be honest with myself to my listeners, then they can be honest with themselves. I’d say my style is a combo of feminine and bossy. On stage, my usual outfit choice is anything that sparkles and let’s me keep my legs out! Performing is a full body workout, and staying comfortable is key for me - without sacrificing a little glamour of course!

Describe your dream job. 

My dream job is to take what I am currently doing, and magnify it - to be an international, touring recording artist and songwriter. I want to uplift, empower and heal through my music.

What skill(s) would you develop of you had more time?

I would love to learn piano, and become a better cook!

 What industry blogs/websites/podcasts do you enjoy?

I’ve recently been checking out a lot of the Beats 1 Up Next artist interviews. I love to hear other artists’ stories and inspirations behind what they do.

What do you think the future holds for people of color in creative industries? 

I think the future is the brightest it’s ever been. The way that creatives of color are supporting each other, and celebrating the wins as a collective, no matter the industry, is encouraging and inspiring.

Want to collaborate with Maya by Name ? Slide into her mailbox at mayabyname@gmail.comDig the clips featured in her profile? Get a behind the scenes look at her journey through her Instagram and website. It’s filled with some candid moments and a fe…

Want to collaborate with Maya by Name ? Slide into her mailbox at

Dig the clips featured in her profile? Get a behind the scenes look at her journey through her Instagram and website. It’s filled with some candid moments and a few sprinkles of her work!