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See and Be Seen.

Star McMillan

Creative Entrepreneur

Star McMillan

entrepreneur | model | actress


Contact: or  850-459-3180 Check out her portfolio for more of her work!

Contact: or 850-459-3180

Check out her portfolio for more of her work!

You can’t control what people think of you , you can’t control the world but you can take control of your dreams.
— Starr McMillan

5 favorite musical artists of all time? 

  • Tyler the creator

  • Michael Jackson

  • Frank Sinatra

  • solange

  • mint condition

What inspires you? 


Different  periods of time like the 60’s ,80’s and 90’s. I’m inspired by the originality people used to have and the movies that used to be produced with more creativity and thought.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

You can’t control what people think of you , you can’t control the world but you can take control of your dreams.

What industry blogs/websites/podcasts do you enjoy?

The most exposure I have had to other creatives has been off of the many groups I have joined on Facebook recently.

What do you think the future holds for people of color in creative industries?

I believe that we will make a big big impact in the months/years to come. I mean, look at us now. So many of us making noise at one time. We are bound for greatness and nothing less.

What is your dream job?

Acting and directing has always been my dream job. Just the thought of creating a thought or maybe even a random dream into a actual body of art makes my heart skip a beat. I wanna create things and ideas that people have never seen. Mostly because there isn’t much originality in the industry today beyond what I have seen from Jordan Peele who just happens to be my favorite director.

What skill(s) would you develop if you had more time? 

If I had more time I would develop my acting skills in a big crowd of people were we would use improv to build and create different characters and situations.


What is the last thing you learned? 

I taught myself how to use a sewing machine about two months ago.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on building my business as well as modeling on the side for other small businesses.


If you could talk to your favorite creative for an hour, who would it be? Why?

Tyler the Creator because he has always inspired me since the first day i discovered his music on YouTube in the 7th grade. Growing up being called ugly I learned a lot about not caring what people think of you from him. He’s probably one of the most inspirational people I have ever come across.

What advice would you give to creatives of color looking to pursue their passion full-time?

First, dream. Second, dare.

How do you keep your creative drip going? 

I sew my own clothes for my business as well as my business, I write and have published a book, I watch old movies like Hellraiser, and I create YouTube videos to Broaden my audience.

Contact: or 850-459-3180

Check out her portfolio for more of her work!