Nathan Valentine
Graphic DesignER + Art DirectOR
Check out Nate’s for more of his work!
5 favorite musical artists of all time?
Michael Jackson
Kendrick Lamar
What inspires you?
I'm heavily influenced by technology, science fiction and styles that are gritty and have texture. Cars, industrial design, architecture. Film, imagery.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Keep going, and don't worry so much. Coloring outside the lines just shows that you can really make an impact, and that you see things that others don't. You just need a find a way to show them. So keep going. One day, you'll find a way to show people what you see.
What industry blogs/websites/podcasts do you enjoy?
I found a site called thats a bit more like a high fashion version of Pinterest thats kind of interesting.
What do you think the future holds for people of color in creative industries?
Just more recognition and opportunities. Social media has given creative voices an outlet that they've never had before and creatives (for better or for worse) have found a new channel to display their talents. And with the metaverse starting to get traction, I think that trend will continue.
“One day, you’ll find a way to show people what you see.”
What is your dream job?
My dream job would be a travel photographer and blogger. I'd use that opportunity to share my creative view of the world, to others and make an impact that way.
What skill(s) would you develop if you had more time?
I would probably just keep working on the skills I have, and just master them.
What is the last thing you learned?
How to print large format.
What are you working on right now?
I am building a client list for freelance jobs as an opportunity to build my new entity into an agency.
If you could talk to your favorite creative for an hour, who would it be? Why?
I would talk to Kenny J. Gravillis, the creative director of Gravilis Design in Los Angeles. His work in a strange way has informed how I approach my work, so I would want to talk to him just to ask for advice on how to navigate, what he did to keep going, etc. Even more, how can more of these black creatives get the spotlight they deserve.
What advice would you give to creatives of color looking to pursue their passion full-time?
Understand that it is going to be very difficult, and that it will test your love for your craft. If you really love your passion, then you will make a way. That's why you can't give up.
How do you keep your creative drip going?
I draw and photograph. It keeps my eye sharp. I did play a lot of video games to feed my creativity and my motor skills up, but I may have to give it up for a while.
Check out Nate’s for more of his work!